MARCH 2019 at the SALON

Documentary Shredding I
at the CMU International Film Festival

This month the Salon joins the CMU International Film Festival's screening of Another Day of Life, the remarkable account of an intrepid Polish journalist's three-month immersion in the civil war in Angola.  The story is told with animation, live action, and documentary footage from the bloody 1975 conflict that had global implications.  

A Q&A with animator Dominik Wawrzyniak will follow.

This is the first of two screenings at the CMUIFF that the Doc Salon is partnering with (the next one is in early April).  Both films move freely from documentary to other genres.  Do they convey a reality that the straight documentary cannot, or do they compromise it?  Come see for yourself!

Saturday, March 23  7:00p
McConomy Auditorium, Carnegie Mellon University
(free parking at the nearby East Campus Garage)
