On first glance, the work of the two Pittsburgh-based artists could scarcely be more different. Moshe Mahler creates innovative animation and new tools to advance imagery in the digital realm. Nick Twardus chooses locations outdoors and lets his cameras observe natural and human-made phenomena. But movement in its many forms brings them together, in the gyroscopic acrobatics of Mahler’s The Art of Weightlessness and the subtle effects of a breeze in a typical Twardus film.
Mo and Nick will present and talk about their alternative approaches to documentary, one unbound to the physical world and the other firmly grounded in it. Come see and join the discussion! The program:
- Self-Portrait: Impermanence (Twardus, 4 min)
- Central Park/New York (Twardus, 3 min)
- The Art of Weightlessness (Mahler, 9 min)
- The Fabricated Wild (Twardus, 10 min)
WQED Conference Room
6:30p Food & Social
7:00p Screening & Discussion