AUGUST 2015 at the SALON

Pet Night 2

Based on last summer's response, we're bringing back Pet Night.  Bring videos, edited or unedited*, of the animals--pets, livestock, wildlife--in your life.  Doesn't have to be a great documentary, or even well-filmed, but it must be accompanied by a story about yourself and your loved ones, human and otherwise.  By evening's end, we hope to gain a greater understanding of our complex relationship with the animal kingdom.  Or maybe it'll be like one long YouTube trolling session.

* If you're showing unedited footage, just have it cued and keep it under 5 minutes.

We can show almost anything. Let me know in advance if it's on something OTHER THAN a Web link, DVD, BluRay or VHS.

Note Time Change:
Wednesday, August 12
7:00p  Food & Social 
7:30p  Screening & Discussion 
