JUNE 2013 at the SALON

Secrets, Leaks, Privacy, and Spies:  
A discussion followed by screening of 
We Steal Secrets:  The Story of WikiLeaks
at the Harris Theater, Downtown

Is there a one-way mirror between ourselves and our government, as it collects ever-more information and discloses less?  This month we join forces with PublicSource and Pittsburgh Filmmakers for a panel discussion, followed by a screening of the new documentary by Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney.  

Panelists will include:

--Kim deBourbon, executive director of the Pennsylvania Freedom of Information Coalition.
--Carl Prine, a reporter at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review who has written about the NSA and whistleblowers.
-- An attorney from the ACLU, which has sued the Obama Administration, saying a program of the National Security Agency that collects telephone information violates the Constitution.

--Sharon Walsh, editor of PublicSource.

Tuesday, June 25 7:00p
Harris Theater, 809 Liberty Avenue
(no chit chat before... maybe a drink after)
Salon members will get info about discount admission via email and MeetUp.
